Jason’s perspective on effective product development culture (circa 2023)
You can see this as either my summary of what I consider effective product development culture OR a summary of the kind of product development culture I prefer working in.
I will link to expanded versions of each point over time.
Feel free to ask, suggest, comment while I work through this.
Core beliefs
Guiding principles
- Consent over consensus;
- The basic unit of product development is the team, not the individual;
- Enable autonomy with clear intent and technical excellence;
- Cross-pollination over imposed standards;
- Develop products by developing people;
- Think big, work small;
- Use quality to generate speed;
- Limit the “blast radius”
Key practices
- Aligned, autonomous cross-disciplinary teams;
- Test Driven Development;
- Evolutionary design;
- Pairing / whole-team programming;
- Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery;
- Heartbeat retrospectives and blameless postmortems;
- T-shaped people;
- Decoupled architecture and targeted rollout;
- Continuous Research, Continuous Design, Continuous Delivery